#MindsOnline2015, Session 2: Perception and Consciousness

The second session of the 2015 Minds Online conference has begun! It is on the theme of Perception and Consciousness, and includes the following papers: Nico Orlandi (UC Santa Cruz): Bayesian Perception Is Ecological Perception (KEYNOTE) Derek H. Brown (Brandon University): “Colour Layering and Colour Relationalism” Commentators: Mazviita Chirimuuta and Jonathan Cohen Jonathan Farrell (Manchester): “‘What …

2. The Indecisive Murmur of Colour

“If he [Descartes] had examined that other, deeper opening upon things given us by the secondary qualities, especially color, then….[h]e would have been obliged to find out how the indecisive murmur of colors can present us with things, forests, storms—in short the world. …. But for him it goes without …

How does a black and blue dress sometimes appear white and gold?

By Justin Broackes I expect everyone’s heartily tired now of the Dress … But I couldn’t stop thinking about it, and with an artist-designer friend in London, Hilary Brown, I started thinking of ways to illustrate what was going on. So here are a few images — note that all …

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