Rationalization, Belief, and Inference

When you were a kid, did your room ever get really messy? Of course it did. Did its messiness bother you? Quite possibly not. Lots of kids are not at all bothered by their messy rooms. (Question: Does it even look messy to them, or does it look orderly? We …

Naïve normativity

In standard approaches to folk psychology, our folk psychological reasoning is taken to be a species of causal reasoning. And while there is some attention to other kinds of reasoning in the developmental literature, notably teleological reasoning, most of the research I’ve run across on children’s social reasoning and explanations …


You may (or may not) have noticed that Pete Mandik and Richard Brown (me) have started a podcast, called SpaceTimeMind, where we talk about tax law updates for 2014, uh, I mean, er, we talk about space and time and mind! The first episode is up now (and has been …

Call For Papers: Collective Intentionality

Collective Intentionality VIII University of Manchester August 28-31, 2012 Collective Intentionality VIII – as the name suggests! – is the eighth in a series of large-scale international events on joint and/or cooperative action, reasoning, decision, intention, attention, and associated mental and agential phenomena, topics that impact on issues in ethics …

On Information Processing, Computation, and Cognition

As I mentioned some time ago , Andrea Scarantino and I wrote a paper on the relationships between information processing, computation, and cognition.  As far as I know, it is the broadest and most systematic discussion of this topic to date.  It also corrects a number of (what we consider) …

Recovering What Is Said With Empty Names

Two years ago, I ran a survey of semantic intuitions concerning empty names, that is, names that appear to be without a referent (e.g., ‘Santa Claus’, ‘Superman’).  Some of those who kindly participated in the survey asked me to post the results of the survey.  (Thanks again for your help, folks.) …

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